
South of the (North Carolina) Border: A Photo Essay

I would have probably ignored all the billboards. One tourist trap is the same as another, right? But Roadside America encouraged me to stop. And if I trust anything, it’s an iPhone app about unusual places of the United States.

It was dark and rainy and the ferris wheel was closed but still had a haunting beauty. The stores with their miles of product bins are always open. I considered staying at the truck stop for the night, but in the end, I knew my time there couldn’t last.

South of the Border Rides

South of the Border

south of the border

south of the border steakhouse

south of the border

South of the Border

south of the border

2 replies on “South of the (North Carolina) Border: A Photo Essay”

Understand South of the border has great campground Have friends who have camped there several times. Enjoy your blog Bob in Md

I saw that! I didn’t have a chance to check it out, but good to know it comes recommended for next time I’m in the area.

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